How will your interactive learning resource specifically ensure that the needs of all learners can be met?
Category: Uncategorised
My peer review is for Food Studies for Beginners by Learning Pod 9. Overall I think that this Interactive Learning Resource (ILR) was very well planned and well written.
This is Pod 2’s Interactive Learning Resource about parallelism:
I’m majoring in Gender Studies and minoring in Education. I’m a queer and nonbinary Cantonese settler from a middle-class family. My parents were immigrants and I am the first generation born, but the second to grow up here. I was born and raised in unceded Lekwungen-speaking territories where I still live now.
I’m looking forward to Education as a minor because I find informal learning and education to be a really important structure. Informal learning is how we are socialized and informal education settings create accessible spaces that allow people to choose what they want to learn. The Education major didn’t seem like the right program for me because it streams into teaching in institutions, but the minor suits my interests perfectly!
My knowledge construction and worldviews are largely influenced by a community of queers, BIPOC kids, activists, and anarchists. I hold a lot of value community and autonomy, and believe that learning and education should be accessible for all. I also believe that we should encourage asking questions and expanding learning beyond the prescribed curricula!
Outside of school, I like sewing, cooking, and making friends with the neighbourhood cats.
My favourite foods are noodles and milk tea.
– SC
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